596 Acres convenes an active network of land access facilitators who cross-pollinate each other’s work. We engage in an ongoing conversation with other groups about how to make land more available to communities in our cities. You can learn about 596 Acres’ partnerships to build mapping tools that support these advocates’ work in Maps for Other Cities and read updates from across our network in our News section. A list of participants in the worldwide network is below.
One highlight of our work with this international network was a 2-day symposium we hosted with the New School in April 2014: Turning Vacant Acres into Community Resources. You can read the conference materials and the issue of Cities and the Environment derived from its proceedings. That gathering brought together representatives from many of the organizations below, who are facilitating the transformation of vacant lots and community control of land in towns and cities around the world.
If you’re looking to plug in directly to any of the below projects, please get in touch with them! And please contact us if there are other great transformation facilitators out there who we should connect with and list here!

Sanjay Kharod of the New Orleans Food & Farm Network, Paula Z. Segal of 596 Acres and Marco Clausen of Prinzessinnengarten at the Turning Vacant Acres into Community Resources symposium
In the United States
Collective Roots, East Palo Alto
Community Health Councils, Los Angeles (our partner on LA Open Acres)
From Lot to Spot, Los Angeles
Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust
NeighborSpace, Chicago
Openlands, Chicago
New Orleans Food & Farm Network (our partner on Living Lots NOLA)
Detroit Black Community Food Security Network
Lots to Gardens, Lewiston
Community Law Center’s Urban Agriculture Law Project, Baltimore
New York
The Vacant Lot Project, Albany
Grassroots Gardens, Buffalo
Partnership for the Public Good, Buffalo
People United Sustainable Housing (PUSH), Buffalo
Greenprint, Niagara Falls
Cuyahoga Land Bank, Cleveland
Neighborhood Progress, Cleveland
Depave, Portland
African American United Fund, Philadelphia
Garden Justice Legal Initiative, Philadelphia (our partner on Grounded In Philly)
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Philadelphia
Gtech Strategies, Pittsburgh

Gardens to be, gardens that are, gardens that used to be: Berlin, Germany
Outside the United States
3000acres, Melbourne
Green My Favela/Favela Mas Verde, Rio de Janeiro
Cities Without Hunger/Cidades Sem Fome, São Paulo
Heritage Montreal (an organization that adapted the Living Lots® approach to buildings via the H-MTL Platform)
LANDE, Montreal (a local variant of the 596 Acres organizing model)
Everyday Growing Cultures, Manchester
Love Old Trafford Lots, Manchester (an opportunities-mapping project inspired by 596 Acres)
Grow Sheffield, Sheffield
Prinzessinnengarten, Berlin