Gentrification is rapid and pervasive, targeting affordable housing –we’re interested in actionable points to push back, to organize and resist the immense forces of coffee shops, luxury condos, and storage facilities!
Self Storage NYC has put together a group of educators to create a workshop on actionable steps to resisting gentrification.
The panel consists of:
· Mara Kravitz from the NYC community group 569 acres
· Oksana Mironova from Community Service Society
· Lauren Cullen from Queens Anti Gentrification Project
· Priscilla Stadler local LIC artist
Self Storage NYC (#selfstoragenyc) is a site-specific exhibition-event taking place in select self storage facilities in Long Island City and Flux Factory’s gallery. Taking full advantage of the “1 month 1 dollar” offers provided by self storage facilities around Flux Factory, Self Storage NYC provides 9 currently displaced artist or activist-run spaces and projects with the opportunity to freely curate a storage unit for a month. The project is a major Flux Factory show occurring throughout October, organized by a team of international curators. Learn more here.